2023 Week 21: Self-driving Long Trip

Overview This is another so-called weekly recap but is actually updated monthly. 😅 Things were coming continuously and never stopped in the last few days, and there are not so much dedicated time for coding and building stuff. That’s seriously bad. I would try to back to the work-life pattern before the Labor Day Holidays, and try to make plans and trace them. The lifestyle “just following my heart” brought

2023 Week 17: Ordinary Days

The ordinary days that we live in may, in fact, be a series of miracles. The reason why I make such an exclamation is that in the past several weeks, my mood really turned a lot, from depressed to relaxed, from anxiety to calm down. We(my girlfriend and I) also completed tons of things on our plan, and these things were completed in a tight schedule. It seems all the

2023 Week 13: Normal Weekly Recap(s)

Overview Professional Stuff Chaos Mesh presentation on KubeCon 2023 EU Due to diverted personal priorities, we were not able to prepare the Maintainer track in time for Kubecon EU. Several weeks a go, Saiyam noticed that and he wanted to schedule a presentation for Chaos Mesh, and it was already pass the deadline of CFP. Saiyam encouraged us sending the email to the “CNCF Events” and “CNCF Speakers”, to ask

2023 Week 9: Beijing Sucks 🤷‍♂️

Overview This weekly recap spans from February 22nd to February 26th, 2023. You might notice that I changed the name of this series from “Weekly Report” to “Weekly Recap.” I was inspired by yuchanns’s weekly recap. “Weekly Report” would make me feel stressed because I used to have to write a weekly report for my previous jobs. “Weekly Recap” is more relaxed as an informal summary of my week. Professional

2023-08: Global Game Jam

Overview The weekly report is from January 31st to February 21th, 2023. I decided to write the weekly report series in English because I want to improve my English skill. Not just for writing but primarily for getting familiar with English words and phrases. That’s also why I delayed this blog for a few weeks. I was using Grammarly when I wrote the blog, and spent too much time embellishing